We Continue to Thrive Despite it all
title by: Salem Paige
June 2023
This piece is about the perception and treatment of the queer community in relation to plants we refer to as 'weeds'. The language surrounding the existence of 'weeds' promotes harmful ideologies, insinuating we can control and displace other living entities. "We Continue to Thrive Despite it all" is a sculpture presenting plants considered to be weeds (Lamb's Quarters and Arrow-leaved Balsamroot) from Treaty 6 territory (Edmonton) and Dandelion, and Broad-leaved plantain from Anishinabe Algonquin territory (Ottawa). The soft curved wood bases demonstrate the cyclical symbiotic relationship we can have with each other and nature.
"We Continue to Thrive Despite it all" words by: Salem Paige
Queer Ecologies Art Exhibit
Apart of a fundraiser for Alberta's GSA conference